What year(s) did you work aboard the Dixie?
(e.g. 1988-1991)
Who was Captain when you worked aboard the Dixie?
(Select all that apply)
Joseph Breek (1906-1939)
Jay Knapp (1939-1949)
Earl Ungeright (1949-1959)
Tag Huffman (1959-1980)
Walter Nellessen (1981-1982)
Steve Sallac (1981-1982)
Steve Huffman (1983-1986)
Greg Van Pelt (1987-1994)
Dan Thystrup (1994-present)
Can't Remember!
Other Captain
If you specified "Other", enter the Captain's full name:
What was your primary job function aboard the Dixie?
1st Mate
(If you were a Captain, please contact me)
How were you employed?
Fulltime employee
Substitute for other employee
Any specific information, stories, etc. that you would like to add?